Content Creators Talk Growth And Social Media At RMC Panel Discussion

“Snapchat exists somewhere between Twitter and Instagram, where I show what happens before and after the meetings,” said Karen Civil ( and

Whether you’re an aspiring artist, blogger or entrepreneur, establishing an online presence is a must in order to be successful. All of the participants on the “Content: the New Hustle” panel leveraged various internet platforms to build their brand and fanbase.

Karen Civil, owner of, stressed the importance of being active on your social networking accounts as a way to regularly promote your content. “Most people check their Twitter account before they turn on their TV,” she told the audience. In today’s world, many folks don’t have the attention span to read a long form article; instead they crave realtime and hard-hitting content, ideally in 140 characters or less.

Natasha Eubanks, owner of, a site that garners over 30 million page views a month, urged people to drive traffic back to their main hub as a business practice. Having one main place where you can usher your fans creates a constant source of your content and builds your audience reach, allowing you to partner with brands to secure revenue.

Of course, all of the panelists suggested utilizing all the popular social networking sites, both to appeal to users that may prefer one outlet over another and to deliver a different voice at a different entry point into your brand experience. They also emphasized using hashtags to keep ties on your content and always remain consistent. “We hashtag everything,” exclaimed Stephanie Ogbohu of Baller Alert. Posting routinely will also keep the attention of your current fanbase and encourage new people to join your movement.

Watch a clip of the conversation below:

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