"Voices of the Future" | First Presidential Debate Recap
BY Amrit Singh / 9.27.2016
Monday night was incredible. Over 80 million people tuned in to watch the first presidential debate of the 2016 election season, which is a historic number of viewers, probably because history was being made on that stage: This was the first debate to break the glass of gender (Hillary is our first female major party nominee!) and reality TV (Donald is our first celeb-reality nominee!). But what was discussed, and will it change anyone’s mind?
That’s what we talked about in a special live episode of _Voices of the Future_wherein the tone, the temperament, the policies, and the highlights of last night’s debate was discussed. Students from various college campuses joined remotely, filling the studio with young voters’ words, and millennial reps from the political parties helped put the debate’s soundbites into context, with an eye toward informing your vote.
We discussed the results of our live-polling of young voters in conjunction with the Harvard Institute of Politics and PURPLE. And we asked: Will any of this change anything? Use #REVOLT2Vote to chime in via Twitter.