REVOLT: There’s some strong symbolism in the video, what made you decide to match some of that imagery with a song like BHM, which doesn’t normally pair the celebration of that month with, say, Black Panther references?

PF: I saw the movie “Panther: when I was like 6. We had it on VHS and I remember watching it dozens of times. We typically don’t celebrate a lot of things that should be highlighted during this month. The thing about information is if you don’t have it, often times you don’t know you don’t have it. And the “people” that do have it can manipulate it to their choosing. We hear about the violence of the Panther party. But we try to wipe away what it was a reaction to. We disregard the work they did in the community. I’ve heard them referred to as a terrorist group!

They paint Huey P. Newton as a radical, rebellious thug. Not as a scholar who received his Ph.D. Or who worked and fought for equality. Just as is the case with our history, during Black History Month it starts with slaves. They are very selective to what information we have which trickles down to what we can celebrate.

REVOLT: What’s your first memory of Black History Month and what impression has that made on you?

PF: I remember being in school during Black History Month and the first thing they told us is we were slaves. Basically, we got picked up from Africa on a boat and you were slaves. George Washington Carver invented peanut butter, Harriet Tubman followed the drinking gourd and Martin Luther King had a dream and he’s the reason we are free. But no history what so ever before that?

Egyptians in movies are white people. You take generations and generations and erase what they were without a clue of where they came from, give them no sense of direction and you have a lost people. On top of the state in wich the world is in right now, it’s tough to be black. I’m now, at 25, just learning things I should have already known.

REVOLT: What do you hope the REVOLT audience gets from this visual?

PF: One thing music can do is inspire and bridge gaps. That’s why I made “Black History Month,” to raise awareness, to evoke a feeling, and to bridge a gap. And I’m releasing it on the last day of February to ensure we think about BLACK HISTORY outside of just the MONTH that’s been so graciously allotted to us.