One of the ’80s most beloved cartoon series is receiving its Hollywood closeup with the forthcoming live-action adaptation of Jem And The Holograms, the tale of an ordinary girl with an extraordinary alter-ego: Jem, rock star. Some characters and narratives have been modified from the source cartoon, but the central premise remains the same: Jem and her band employ their extraordinary gifts toward the ends of empowering their loved ones, girls everywhere, and ultimately, themselves.

The film stars Aubrey Peeples (of television’s Nashville), and like her, most of Aubrey’s Holograms castmates come from musical backgrounds. Not all, though, and certainly not Ryan Guzman, who plays the son of Jem’s nefarious label owner (Juliette Lewis), and her (spoiler alert) love interest. Along with Peeples, Guzman, and Lewis, the movie stars Molly Ringwald, Steffanie Scott, Hayley Kiyoko, and Aurora Perrineau. I sat with the film’s principles recently to discuss their paths to earning and playing their roles, and their thoughts on the film’s musical authenticity.

Jem & The Holograms, directed by Jon M. Chu, is out on October 23rd.