Chris Cuomo says police reform won’t happen until white kids start getting killed
BY Victoria Moorwood / 4.19.2021
CNN’s Chris Cuomo said police reform won’t happen until “white people’s kids start getting killed.” The television host made the comments while reflecting on ex-cop Derek Chauvin’s ongoing murder trial and the recent police killings of 20-year-old Daunte Wright and 13-year-old Adam Toledo.
“How many more [will] die from the pandemic; die from police shootings?” Cuomo said on-air. “George Floyd. Daunte Wright. I wonder if you’ll remember their names six months from today because they’ll be replaced by so many others.”
Cuomo also criticized those who try to demonize victims of police violence by pointing out their criminal histories or past interactions with police.
“Why do that?” he asked his audience. “Because you wanna make the problem them. It takes the onus off the idea that you’re wrong about policing not needing to change. Forget that police are trained to deal with non-compliance with force that is not lethal.”
Cuomo continued his point by claiming, “Shootings, gun laws, access to weapons, you know when they’ll change? [When] your kids start getting killed. [When] white people’s kids start getting killed.”
Cuomo said when that happens, white people who criticized protests and calls for police abolition as “madness” will be making the same demands “because it’ll be your people.”
He also claimed that if Black Americans began buying guns or forming armed militias to protect themselves from the government — a common argument made by pro-Second Amendment activists — gun reform laws in the U.S. would be passed quickly.
“You’ll see a wave of change in access and accountability. We saw it in the ’60s,” he said, referring to California’s open-carry law, which was repealed by then-Gov. Ronald Reagan as a direct response to members of the Black Panther Party legally carrying weapons.
Cuomo’s comments sparked conversation on social media, with some agreeing with and others challenging his statements.
“Chris Cuomo said police reform won’t happen until the police start killing white people’s kids. DID HE LIE???!!!!” one person tweeted.
Watch a clip from Cuomo’s segment below.