Kyrie Irving reportedly buys home for George Floyd’s family
BY Sweenie Saint-Vil / 1.18.2021
Kyrie Irving may be at the receiving end of mulitple complaints following his violation of NBA’s COVID-19 protocols, but his private contribution to George Floyd’s family is worthy of praise.
During an episode of Etan Thomas’ podcast, “The Rematch ,” former NBA star Stephen Jackson — who has committed to raising Floyd’s daughter, Gianna — discussed his experience thus far and shouted out the individuals who helped to relieve some of the burden.
“I’m just continuing to do what I said I was going to do. I said I was going to be my brother’s keeper and take care of his daughter and make sure that her next days are her best days,” explained Jackson, who was also Floyd’s friend.
“A lot of my friends [have helped]. Kyrie Irving bought them a house. Lil Wayne’s manager bought them a Mercedes Benz. Barbra Streisand gave them stock in Disney.”
Additionally, Lil Baby helped Jackson throw Gianna a huge party for her 7th birthday.
Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis officer Derek Chauvin was met with nationwide protests and memorials in his honor. Members of his family and a few organizations have since been working to combat police brutality and ensure that Floyd’s legacy lasts.
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority announced that they will provide scholarships for Floyd’s daughter and granddaughters to attend an HBCU. His brother Po launched a violence prevention fund in Chicago, and his sister Bridgett announced the “Be His Legacy” internship program, in her brother’s honor, which will cater to Black male students interested in communities, equity, education and police reform.
As REVOLT reported, Chauvin —the officer who suffocated Floyd for nearly nine minutes with his knee — will stand trial alone in March. The other three officers involved will be tried together in the summer.
“We’re just waiting for this trial to get out of the way, so she (Gianna) doesn’t have to keep reliving the situation, and she can go about living her life,” Jackson concluded.