Police shoot Black man with bean bag rounds as he lays on ground
BY Dayna Haffenden / 7.19.2020
In a new report published by TMZ, the outlet shared the story of a Black man, Lorenzo Jones, who was shot multiple times by officers with bean bag rounds.
According to the medium, Jones was set to appear in court on Friday (July 17) and never showed. As a result, an arrest warrant was issued. He tried telling the cops that he showed up to the courthouse earlier that day and proceeded to follow instructions given by the SWAT team.
With his hands in the air, one of the officers fired a bean bag round that hit Jones, causing him to fall to the ground in pain. Moments after, another authority let loose two more shots. At the moment, the Mesa police department is currently investigating the events that took place.
“[The cops] felt that he was armed and dangerous,” Chief Ken Cost said of Jones, who was later arrested for aggravated assault on an officer and charged with three counts of aggravated assault on a minor, resisting arrest, marijuana possession and assault causing fear of physical injury. “Less lethal tools are exactly that, less lethal, and were developed to prevent violent actions, protect the public, save the lives of suspects as well as officers.”
In the last few weeks, many Americans have protested against racial equality and police brutality. Following the death of George Floyd on May 25, there has been an increase in those who are using their platforms to spread awareness about injustices.
More recently, T.I. demanded reparations for descendants of enslaved Africans in an open letter. “We demand equitable financial consideration,” he wrote as his Instagram caption regarding the two-page letter. “Our people have been financially impaired & economically disabled due to the systemic oppression and institutional racism it leaves behind. Our demands are clearly stated in the letter above.”