Federal prosecutors deny R. Kelly is in solitary confinement
BY Aleia Woods / 8.31.2019
Federal prosecutors are disputing that R. Kelly is being held in solitary confinement. The Chicago Tribute reports that the singer has actually had a cellmate for some time despite claims that he is being mistreated in solitary.
According to TMZ, it was previously reported that the R&B singer is pleading with a judge to be released from solitary confinement and placed in general population. Kelly’s legal team has filed documents claiming that solitary confinement is designed for punishment, not housing someone who is awaiting trial.
Kelly’s attorney Steven Greenberg has even provided examples for why the singer should be released to general population. Greenberg said that his client has no human interaction and he is unable to go outside and get sunlight. Kelly has no access to media or recreational activities, his face-to-face visits are recorded, he is only allowed to shower three days a week and he receives one 15-minute phone call per month. The attorney added that Kelly is not allowed to purchase snacks or candy from the commissary.
However, prosecutors filed a motion on Friday (Aug. 30) claiming that the singer refused to take a cellmate last month. In an incident report, Kelly rejected the order to accept a cellmate in the jail’s special housing unit, an area that is secure and away from the general population.
“I was told I didn’t have to take a cellie and I have too much going on to worry about incident report,” Kelly reportedly said about the allegations made against him. Meanwhile, investigators said that he had a “poor attitude throughout this investigation.”
Kelly’s legal issues continue to mount. It was previously reported that the singer and his legal team were fundraising to gather money to obtain Michael Jackson’s former attorney Tom Meserau. Sources said that Kelly’s team reached out to a number of his industry friends for help and many agreed to assist him anonymously.
In order for Kelly to have Meserau as his legal representation, he has to fire his current attorney Steven Greenberg. It has also been reported that the money fundraised for Kelly’s legal fees will not come in unless Greenberg is terminated.
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