R. Kelly is happy with solitary confinement, fearful of other inmates
BY Dayna Haffenden / 7.19.2019
R. Kelly views solitary confinement as the appropriate treatment for himself.
According to a report from TMZ yesterday (July 18), Kelly believes that solitary confinement is the best option. The 52-year-old singer fears retaliation from fellow inmates who are aware of his case. Kelly believes his life would be in danger in the general population and feels safer by himself.
Although Kelly is happy in solitary, his attorney, Nicole Blank Becker, believes it creates a bigger problem. Becker explained that her client is at a disadvantage since he can’t read or write. In addition to that, Kelly has access to a phone for a total of 15 minutes a month to speak with family and friends. Prisoners in general population have access to the phone all the time.
Earlier this week, we reported that R. Kelly appeared in court for his bond hearing. Kelly pleaded not guilty and was ultimately denied bond. Prosecutors involved in the case believe that Kelly is an extreme danger to the community, especially to minor girls. Assistant U.S. Attorney Angel Krull said that Kelly has the ability to intimidate witnesses.
Steve Greenberg, Kelly’s attorney, argued that his client should be trusted not to flee because he doesn’t have the funds.
“How could he flee? He has no money,” Greenberg said in an attempt to defend his client. “There’s no evidence that he’s a risk to minors at all at this point.” Greenberg also explained that Kelly might be in danger if left behind bars. “The man’s entitled to be held in a humane situation,” he said. “Mr. Kelly is a difficult person to have [at the facility] because of other prisoners … because of his notoriety.”
Kelly faces a maximum prison sentence of 195 years in Chicago and a minimum of 10 years in New York. We will provide more updates as the case continues to unfold.