Michelle Obama is on track to set record for best-selling memoir
BY REVOLT / 3.27.2019
Michelle Obama is making history and inspiring millions of young women around the world.
After releasing her memoir “Becoming” back in November 2018, Penguin Random House has checked in with an exciting progress report highlighting its sales and undeniable historic significance.
According to the publisher, the former first lady’s book has sold nearly 10 million copies globally. On top of that impressive milestone, the book is currently on track to set a sales record in its genre.
“We believe this could be the most successful memoir in history,” Thomas Rabe, chief executive of Bertelsmann SE, the German media and services conglomerate that has a controlling stake in Penguin Random House, shared in a statement.
While it may be tough to gauge whether or not Obama’s book will be the best-selling memoir of all time, given that its difficult to measure across global markets for one example, it has certainly made quite the cultural impact across the world. The memoir has been translated into almost two dozen languages so far and continues to sit atop the bestseller’s list.
“Michelle Obama’s [book] is not only a literary success but a financial success for everybody involved, despite the high advance,” Rabe added.
As previously reported, Penguin Random House bought the rights to both Michelle and Barack Obama’s memoirs in a package deal worth $60 million. At this time, a release date for the 44th president’s memoir has not yet been announced.
Congratulations to Michelle Obama!