Nicki Minaj pays for students' loans, tuitions, supplies via Twitter
BY REVOLT / 5.8.2017
This weekend, Nicki Minaj changed the lives of plenty of her fans when she decided to pay off their school-related fees and balances.
The rapper had originally taken to Twitter to announce a contest in which fans needed to record a Musical.ly video of her “Regret In Your Tears” track in order to win a chance at two prizes. They had the option of either being flown out to Las Vegas to hang with Nicki at the upcoming Billboard Music Awards or to join her in the studio to listen to unreleased music.
However, one brave fan took their chance and asked the rapper to pay for their tuition instead. And Nicki rose to the occasion, responding swiftly with a few conditions:
“Show me straight A’s that I can verify w/ur school and I’ll pay it. Who wants to join THAT contest?!?!
Dead serious. Shld I set it up?”
She then spent the next 30 minutes generously responding to a variety of students: medical school enrollees, immigrants who aspire to go to college, students with 4.0 GPAs, fans enrolled in summer classes and online courses, graduates with outstanding loans, students with partial scholarships, and others who needed help affording textbooks, supplies, meal plans, room and board, cameras, and tablets.
All the lucky few had to do was prove to the rapper why they were in need and then message her their bank information.
Eventually, the fun came to an end with Nicki joking she wasn’t sure if she had any money left, but promising to do the favor again in a few months.